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  • Writer's picturemendakiclub

MARA Conversations: Tech Career Pathways

🚀 Inspiring Tech Journeys 🌟 On September 2, 2023, we witnessed 30 bright minds take a leap into the world of possibilities! MARA Conversations: Tech Career Pathways brought together aspiring young professionals and eager students to explore the endless horizons of the tech universe. 💡⁠

In the ever-evolving realm of technology, opportunities are aplenty across industries, our participants were able to delve into a world of exciting roles! 🌍🔍⁠

Our speakers, hailing from diverse tech fields, lit up the path with their invaluable insights, paving the way for these future tech leaders. 🌠✨⁠

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting events MClub has to offer! 🚀👩‍💻👨‍💼

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